4 new companies selected to present at the Venture Capital Forum

We’ve got the second batch of companies selected to participate in the Venture Capital Forum.

The investors participating in the VCF have made their choice from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd batch. And 4 new companies have been added to the list of startups presenting on June, 19th.

If your company has not been selected, it doesn’t mean you’ve been desqualified. There are still some companies under “observation”, so we would encourage you all to review and improved your application to make it more appealing and show the progress during the last weeks.

If you’ve not applied yet you can do it HERE: Aplications are open until May, 19th.

And now, congratulations to the following companies:


GeoPagos is a mobile app allowing to accept debit/credit card payments through mobile devices.


Neosites lets anyone and their grandmother build professional websites and online stores in just minutes.


Company dedicated to research and development of projects, products and interactive technological solutions applied to different fields.


Virtualmob transforms real-world newspapers, magazines, products and posters to Life! specialising in exciting augmented reality experiences

And to the companies which were selected in the first batch:


abcdexperts connects businesses to trusted service providers in any field worldwide, who are exclusive members of a community built to generate leads.


KEDZOH is an enterprise platform solution that lets you easily and quickly, create and take, short, 3 to 5 minute lessons on your smartphone/tablet.


ClickMedia Advertising builds the most efficient, on-line, advertising media on the world.


LEAF Lawyer is a management solution in the cloud that lets you know the health status of a professional company through best management practices.


paOnde is a platform that connects leisure businesses with customers, providing an effective and low-cost communication channel.


ReStudio reduces the risks and uncertainties of mining and energy facilities using 4D technology.


ZonaTec is an online retailer of consumer electronics offering the benefits of online shopping and the convenience of offline payments.


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