Multi -Cloud Environments ensure greater scalability, savings and innovation in businesses

multiple-cloud-1024x946A study made by Forrester on 2013 shows that the implementation and consolidation of business systems multi-cloud improves scalability by 72% of companies and two thirds of them were able to quantify the savings in costs thanks to this technology. In addition, 64 % of companies that invested in the cloud could state benefits innovation of its offer and opening new markets.

Until recently, the popularity of Cloud technology is only limited to business applications such as «Software as a Service» but today Cloud companies seek solutions outside their facilities, making this technology reaches a broad spectrum of possibilities for the application of technology on different operating systems or devices, as well as business platforms.

The high number of suppliers in the technology market has increased competition and has made more and more companies outsource their Cloud solutions. An example is the increasing use of cloud security issues and management solutions, and virtualization environments in public, private and hybrid clouds.

But like in most companies implementing IT, budgets in this area tend to be small. Besides there is widespread ignorance of the potential and the benefits of Cloud technology, despite the recognition and importance is having such solutions today.

Moreover, many companies today have adopted a multi -cloud environment without knowing it. The adoption of external services infrastructure, security or professional management teams, have led companies to implement multi-cloud systems through its suppliers. According to the survey conducted by Forrester, 58 % of companies occupy more than one supplier, although 71% of them prefer to have a single service Business Cloud.

Despite the problems of security and privacy that have cloud services, data indicate a strong trend towards virtualization services in several areas, even when 43% of the companies mentioned these problems as the main barrier to adoption cloud. According to Everest Group, private and hybrid clouds grew by 66 and 44% per year respectively.

There is also private and hybrid clouds, a type of public cloud that has unfortunately been the victim of various violations, which has left organizations vulnerable to these threats even with the variety of existing security options for enterprise cloud applications. This is because the implementation is responsible for applications of IT resources, storage and networking and is offered by external providers chosen on demand and usage-based remuneration.

In contrast, private clouds IT resources, applications, storage and networking is responsible for the implementation, but the service is offered by the department, also based on demand and pay based on usage.

A complementary solution between the two is the hybrid cloud, which is preferably applied between large companies and according to its projection, it is expected that half of them implements it by 2017. It is mixed mode is one in which a portion of the resources TI are offered as services through an internal private cloud while other resources are delivered as services offered by third parties through public clouds.

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