The first companies selected to participate in the Venture Capital Forum.

The investors participating in the Venture Capital Forum have announced their selections from the 1st and 2nd application rounds.   (If you have not yet applied, you can apply HERE)

Congratulations to the following companies!


abcdexperts connects businesses to trusted service providers in any field worldwide, who are exclusive members of a community built to generate leads.


KEDZOH is an enterprise platform solution that lets you easily and quickly, create and take, short, 3 to 5 minute lessons on your smartphone/tablet.

Labor financiera

ClickMedia Advertising builds the most efficient, on-line, advertising media on the world.

Leaf Lawyer

LEAF Lawyer is a management solution in the cloud that lets you know the health status of a professional company through best management practices


paOnde is a platform that connects leisure businesses with customers, providing an effective and low-cost communication channel


ReStudio reduces the risks and uncertainties of mining and energy facilities using 4D technology.

ZonaTec is an online retailer of consumer electronics offering the benefits of online shopping and the convenience of offline payments.

We look forward to seeing your presentations at the Venture Capital Forum on 19 June 2013.

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